(Picture – jewelry made & sold by Alex 8 used as example only)
- What: For only $45.00 you’ll get a fabulous materials kit, instructions, and some design ideas to inspire your creation of a unique piece {or pieces} of jewelry. Kit will include a variety of beads, findings, and support options (ear wires – sorry no clip-ons in this class, leather, satin and/or hemp cord). You can make 2 pairs of earrings, or a necklace and 1 pair of earrings – You Choose.
- Who: You – NO experience needed and Alex 8 … that’s me! I’ve been mentoring artists and teaching adults both personally and professionally for about 20 years. I think of jewelry making as therapy. It helps spark my creative juices when other media like paint are feeling flat. I’ve been making and selling my therapy (jewelry) for 8+ years. For additional information on me and my artistic pursuits please visit my website: http://alex8art.com/index.html
- Where: The Wonderful & Fantastic Artistic Edge Custom Framing & Art Gallery – 1880 Fulton Ave. Sacramento, CA 95825 (Phone 916-482-2787)
- When: Friday, January 6th from 6pm to 8:30pm
- Refreshments provided, however, if you would like wine, bring your own!