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Charlotte Cooper

Scrolls by Charlotte Cooper

Encaustic on Rice Paper

$320 and up

Scrolls by Charlotte Cooper

Encaustic on Rice Paper

$320 and up

Scrolls by Charlotte Cooper

Encaustic on Rice Paper

$320 and up

Scrolls by Charlotte Cooper

Encaustic on Rice Paper

$320 and up

Night Wind by Charlotte Cooper

Encaustic on Rice Paper 11x60


Rising Tide by Charlotte Cooper

Encaustic on Rice Paper 11x60


Blue Night by Charlotte Cooper

Encaustic on Rice Paper 11x60


Rushing Wind by Charlotte Cooper

Encaustic on Rice Paper 11x60


July Morning by Charlotte Cooper

Encaustic on Rice Paper 11x60


July Afternoon by Charlotte Cooper

Encaustic on Rice Paper 11x60


Geode by Charlotte Cooper

Encaustic on Rice Paper 11x60


Firecracker by Charlotte Cooper

Encaustic on Rice Paper 11x115


Scrolls by Charlotte Cooper

Encaustic on Rice Paper

$320 and up

Scrolls by Charlotte Cooper

Encaustic on Rice paper

$320 and up

Blue Water by Charlotte Cooper

Encaustic on Rice Paper 11x92


Night Breeze by Charlotte Cooper

Encaustic on Rice Paper 11x60


Scrolls by Charlotte Cooper

Encaustic on Rice Paper

$320 and up

Scrolls by Charlotte Cooper

Encaustic on Rice Paper

$320 and up

Geode by Charlotte Cooper

Encaustic on Rice Paper 11x60


Charlotte Cooper

Charlotte Cooper

Euclyptus by Charlotte Cooper

Encaustic on Rice Paper 11x72


The Texture of Fog by Charlotte Cooper

Encaustic on Rice Paper


Cool Water by Charlotte Cooper

Encaustic on Rice Paper


Water Marks by Charlotte Cooper

Encaustic on Rice Paper


Charlotte Cooper:  I am an artist who left the practice of metals (where I did two permanent Art in Public Places installations-at Glenn Drive Light Rail Station in Folsom and Consumes-Valley Hi Library) for the world of encaustics. I’ve been exploring this ancient medium since 2000 an explore all the wondrous possibilities. I taught classes for 10 years and showed in galleries throughout the area I’ve been a part of Sierra Wax Artists since it’s beginning. I LOVE this medium-and the people who are drawn to it!!